Back in the Saddle again (Hopefully)!

It has been a while since I last posted to the blog so lets rundown things over the past year! First, my running has taken a back seat to other things in my life and that has been a major mistake. What has followed is increased weight, an renewed attack by psoriatic arthritis on my…

My Story

I remain busy with other endeavors but the folks at the National Arthritis Foundation and the Racing for a Cure posted a note about my story. Click here for the note.

First run in 61 days!

Been a short while since I last posted and the “radio silence” will probably continue into next week. With that in mind, here is a post from my IG account yesterday on my first run in 61 days!

Gear Review: Going to France through glasses

“Disclaimer: I received XX2i France 2s to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!” A few weeks back, I posted the following to Twitter! While my running has not occurred as of yet (though the…

5 for Friday: A Coaching Revival

The right of passage for a young hockey player and his parents is the ability to survive a super cold rink with cold windy drafts and uncomfortable seats throughout, very easily on a Sunday morning. I used to go through this ritual with my father at the crack of dawn on the weekends, trudging out…

“Weight!” Is it really all about Running?

“Among competing hypothesis, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” — Ockham’s Razor I posted this quote a few days ago pointing out that while I can research to the high heavens why my back hurts (as if someone is putting kneedles into it or my knees ache like someone has been hitting…

Beaten today but not tomorrow

I have been posting notes to this blog for about two years. For the most part, I have covered my running (the good, the bad and the ugly) and my battle with Psoriatic arthritis (which also has its own good, bad and ugly). I like to say to others that as I have written note…

5 for Friday: One Temperamental Day

You will not be punished FOR your anger. You will be punished BY your anger. – Buddha It has been almost 2 months since I have hit the roads for a run longer than 2 miles and I have to admit, while I am remaining positive for the most part, I am getting very temperamental!…

Randoms: Vacation Week

Been on vacation this week so the posts have been few and far between. I will be getting back into the swing of things later today into tonight! Also, a few quick notes to consider My review of the XX2i France 2s will be coming soon. They were fantastic this week on the slopes and…

What a Pain in the Back!

“If I woke up in the morning and nothing hurt,  I would think I am dead!” – Unknown DID YOU KNOW…according to,  “Running is an activity that involves repetitive stress and impact…people who have an underlying lower back problem can find running or jogging makes their pain worse or leads to additional types of…

I Run to Value and Ignore the Frauds

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein I am working through a startup project at the moment and while doing some research on it this morning, in a coffee shop full of bustling and happy people (ok, not all happy), I was reminded of a conversation…

5 for Friday: Practicing patience because I need it!

Have patience. All things are difficult before they are easy – Saadi Ok, I have to admit. My goal has been to be positive in 2017 but I am becoming less so. I am now in week four of this “recovery” but all I still feel is pain and it is getting frustrating! I have…